District News: WHS student takes first at SkillsUSA
Robert Julian, a student at Whitehall High School and Lehigh Career & Technical Institute, won first place in a recent SkillsUSA competition.
From Feb. 8-27, more than 400 students competed in 52 hands-on skill and leadership competitions. These competitions provided a unique opportunity for some of the most talented career and technical education students in the area to showcase their skills.
District gold medal winners advance to state and potentially national competitions.
This year, the SkillsUSA Council is partnering with postsecondary educational institutions and area businesses to award over $200,000 in scholarships and prizes to the medalists of 12 competitions.
Following the competitions, which took place over the course of three weeks at varying host locations, students gathered at their technical schools for a live, online awards ceremony to hear the results of the competitions and, for the winners, to receive their medals.
Gold medal winners will represent District 11 this month at the state competition in Hershey.
WHS’ 2019 spring musical, “Mamma Mia!,” will be performed 7 p.m. April 4-6 and 2 p.m. April 7.
Tickets are on sale at https://www.showtix4u.com/events/whitehalltheater.
The end of the third marking period was March 29. Electronic report cards will be available online by April 5.
Please keep in contact with your child and your child’s teacher. Communication is a very important part of your child’s success.
To view your child’s grade, visit the Power School site.
Kindergarten registration for Gockley Elementary School will be April 8-10. Your child must be 5 years old before Sept. 1.
Visit whitehallcoplay.org and click on “Enrollment” to begin the registration process.
Contact the school if you have any questions.
It’s that time of year, Whitehall-Coplay Middle School students! Get your yearbook to memorialize the 2018-19 school year.
Orders are available online at http://orders.christmascitystudio.com. The password is wmsyb1819.
The cost of the yearbook is $20. Orders can be placed until April 12.
Reminder: School calendar changes due to snow makeup days are as follows.
There will be school April 18.
May 10, which was a scheduled professional development day, will now be a school day for students.
The last day of school for students will now be June 12. Teachers will have a professional development day June 13.
Schools will be closed for spring break April 19-22 and will reopen April 23.
The PSSAs in English/language arts and math will be administered April 15-May 3 to students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Parents are reminded to be sure their children get plenty of restful sleep and start each day with a light, healthy breakfast.
No vacation time during this testing window will be approved.
Please be aware of Whitehall-Coplay School District’s attendance policies. When your child is absent, a written note must be submitted within three days to deem the absence excused. When three unexcused days are accumulated, a truancy letter is sent home.
Truancy negative consequences have become greater penalties under Gov. Tom Wolf.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the WCSD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.