District News: Middle school band to perform April 5
The Northampton Area Middle School spring band concert is set for 7 p.m. April 5 in the auditorium of Northampton Area High School.
Reminder: The end of the third marking period is April 5. Electronic report cards will be available on Sapphire April 17 for parents/guardians to view.
Be sure to check your child’s grades and keep an open communication between your child and your child’s teacher.
Panoramic picture days are scheduled. All students will have the opportunity to purchase the photo.
Moore Elementary School fifth-graders, April 9
Borough Elementary School fifth-graders, April 12
An information night for parents of fifth-graders transitioning to middle school is scheduled for April 10. It will be held at NAMS from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
This is a very informative and important meeting. Please mark your calendar!
Moore Elementary’s PTA group will meet 6 p.m. April 11 at the school.
NASD is sponsoring a Title I prekindergarten family night 6-7:30 p.m. April 11 at George Wolf Elementary School. Explore the wonders of math, literacy and science and enjoy prekindergarten hands-on activities.
There will be free food and prizes, and students can meet a therapy dog, too.
Visit the district website and follow the link to register for this event.
Due to the inclement weather this year, NASD is required to make up eight instructional days. This is the recent update of dates that school will now be in session: April 18 and 22, June 4-7 and June 10 and 11.
Due to the schedule changes, May 29-31 and June 3-5 will now be full days for students and staff.
June 6, 7, 10 and 11 will be early dismissal days. Secondary schools (grades 6-12) will dismiss 10:30 a.m., and elementary schools (grades K-5) will dismiss noon.
Please make a note of these important changes to the schedule. If inclement weather causes schools to close in the coming weeks, these dates may change.
Graduation is scheduled for 4 p.m. June 1 at Stabler Arena, Bethlehem. Seniors who have graduated are not required to attend school June 3-11.
NASD will once again be offering Camp Invention for students in grades 2-5 and grades 6-9 in the summer, and registration is underway.
Visit the school’s website, nasdschools.org, and follow the link to find more information and to register.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the NASD. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Northampton School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.