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During the Board of Commissioners meeting March 21, the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners approved Resolutions 2019-10 and 11.

These resolutions authorize execution of documents to convey agricultural conservation easements on the Weiner Tract to Lehigh County and the State of Pennsylvania. This will ensure permanent protection.

The oath of office was administered to special fire police members John Bergstresser, Michael Christ, James Doherty, Dale Frizzell, Donald Hoffman, James Honer, Bryan Miller and Joseph Thompson.

There will be seminars on the Spotted Lanternfly 7 p.m. March 28 and April 2 at the Lower Macungie Township Building, 3400 Brookside Road, Macungie. Attendees will learn how to identify the non-native invasive spotted lanternfly during each of the four life stages, identify the non-native invasive host plant where it completes its life cycle, learn about the various methods to control the insect and its invasive host tree and learn about their quarantine within our county and how to avoid the spread of the pest and its eggs.

PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZThe oath of office is administered to special fire police members John Bergstresser, Michael Christ, James Doherty, Dale Frizzell, Donald Hoffman, James Honer, Bryan Miller and Joseph Thompson at the March 21 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting.