Congratulations to everyone involved with Les Mis. You all did outstanding!
All performances sold out and the fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society raised $5,700.
The next Buzz Magazine meeting will be 2:30 p.m. March 27 in the learning lab. This is a full club meeting.
Mr. Emmaus, the annual talent contest, will be held 7:30 to 10 p.m. March 27 in the Emmaus High School auditorium.
The Emmaus High School Counseling Office is taking interested juniors on a field trip to Temple University and Ursinus College April 12. Students will hear from admissions representatives at both schools, take a tour of each campus and have lunch in one of the dining halls at Ursinus College. Transportation and lunch will be provided and there is no fee to register. Permission slips are due to the counseling office by March 27.
The local scholarship list is now available for seniors. Students can pick up applications in the counseling office. The deadline to return all completed scholarship applications is March 29.
Any student who will be a senior next year is welcome to apply for the competitive high school scholars program. Successful students will be able to take a free class at Lehigh for the fall semester. Successful students in the program are often invited to take a second free class in the spring semester. The application deadline is April 10. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Greene.
The facilities department is accepting applications for summer maintenance employment.
Applications are available in the main office and the guidance office of EHS. Applications are also available on the district website. Criminal and child abuse checks are mandatory for all new applicants.
The EHS Counseling Office is offering career speaker visits. Students are invited to meet with professionals from a wide range of industries and learn more about potential careers.
The full list of speakers can be found in Naviance and on the EHS counseling website. Interested students should register in Naviance for each speaker.
Students Against Destructive Decisions/Kid to Kid’s “Grim Reaper” event will be held April 25. More details will follow.
Game Club meets Tuesdays after school in Room 523.
The Young Democrats Club meets every Wednesday after school in Room 310.
The spring band concert will be held 7:30 p.m. April 26. The spring orchestra concert will be held 7:30 p.m. April 30.
The annual college fair will be held May 2.