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Masks decorate NWL school board room

Weisenberg Elementary School art instructor Karly Sacco brought masks made by 10 fifth-grade students to be displayed in the Northwestern Lehigh School Board meeting room.

She said masks will be part of the arts festival to be held at the school.

Sacco described how the masks were made.

A quick-drying plaster was spread on a plastic base. The masks were covered with strips of paper and then painted. Some of the masks have colorful additions, such as an under the sea design, on all of the chin areas.

Sacco brought along a video to show the school board on how the masks were made.

Superintendent Jennifer Holman said the room gets brighter with the artwork on display.

Board President Bill Dellicker asked how the theme was chosen.

Sacco said the theme was the students’ choice.

Press photo by Elsa KerschnerMasks made by Weisenberg students, Hailey Green, Gianna Bonilla, Lily Allred, Marlyse DeLillo, Connor Christman, Lexi Leggett, Kairi Charles, Leah Nagle and Lucas Berardi, are on display in the Northwestern Lehigh board meeting room.