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Sheckler News: Sheckler’s readathon minutes have been counted

The minutes from Sheckler Elementary School’s readathon, held during the month of February, are in. Together, students read a total of 89,506 minutes. This surpasses this year’s goal of 80,000 minutes.

Way to go, Sheckler Elementary!

Congratulations also goes to second grade for the most minutes read schoolwide, with a total of 21,965 minutes.

The top classes in each grade level are as follows and will receive an ice cream party.

Kindergarten - Mrs. Hurd’s class

First grade - Mrs. Bodner’s class

Second grade - Mrs. Gallo’s class

Third grade - Mrs. Snyder’s class

Fourth grade - Mr. Wilson’s class

Well done to everyone who participated, and always keep on reading!


Congrats also go to the trivia winners and story writers during the contest held for Read Across America Week in February.


May your troubles be less, your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door.

- Old Irish blessing

Have a happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone.