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April is Volunteer Month in Salisbury Township and Salisbury Township officials are seeking nominees for the Volunteer Recogniton Award.

Township commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 at the Feb. 28 meeting to approve a proclamation designating April as Volunteer Month.

The nomination deadline is March 25.

Residents chosen will be presented with awards at a catered dinner 6 p.m. April 16 in the meeting room of the township municipal building.

Nominations can be made online at the township website, salisburytownshippa.org and also by mail to Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich, Salisbury Township Municipal Building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The program, which honors township residents for their volunteer work, is held biennially.

Commissioner Joanne Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rodney Conn, to bring the proclamation up for a vote.

The proclamation states, in part:

“Whereas, the Township of Salisbury is blessed to have a capable core of volunteers that are committed and dedicated to serve our community, and the Township of Salisbury Board of Commissioners recognizes the value and the benefits of the volunteers’ efforts and contributions, and the Township of Salisbury residents are the direct beneficiaries of all volunteer efforts, the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims the month of April 2019 to be Salisbury Township Volunteer Month, to recognize all volunteers for their unheralded volunteer work and their unmatched level of unselfish sacrifice to serve their community.”

In other business at the Feb. 28 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 unanimously to approve motions:

•To accept the audited financials for the fiscal years ending Dec. 31, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2017. Conn made the motion, seconded by Ackerman.

•To approve payment No. 3 of $13,500 to MJF Electrical Construction for Lindberg Park Phase 3 contracted work. This was for electrical work in the restrooms and at the pavilion, Bonaskiewich said before the vote. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Commissioner James Seagreaves.

Also, at the Feb. 28 township meeting, Bonaskiewich recommended the resolution to update the township’s fee schedule for 2019 be tabled.

“We had anticipated having the updated fee schedule available, but we noticed something with the engineering fees,” Bonaskiewich said. “We will bring back that back before the board of commissioners at the next meeting.”

The board next meets 7 p.m. March 14.