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Penn State Extension, L.C. Farm Bureau offering safety course

Agriculture has the dubious distinction of being one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States.

With training, common sense and safety knowledge, that distinction can be changed.

Due to exposure to potential harm, farmers and others working in agriculture, need to be aware of, promote and practice safety measures on a year-round basis.

Penn State Extension and Lehigh County Farm Bureau are teaming up to host the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Training Program for participants ages 8 to adult from March 26 through April 27.

This series of classes will be a combination of classroom discussions, farm safety simulations, on-farm opportunities, as well as a written and a driving test.

Additionally, anyone anticipating to work around a farm setting will benefit from the insights and discussions in this course.

This course will primarily be held in Lehigh County with an occasional visit to Northampton County.

This class is approved by the Hazardous Occupations Safety Training program and meets the requirements for youth farm safety certification.

By successfully completing this certification program, 14- and 15-year-old youth may legally operate farm tractors and powered machinery for hire, which they otherwise would not be allowed to operate under the U.S. Department of Labor’s Hazardous Occupations Order in Agriculture.

Lehigh County Farm Bureau has been generous enough to offer full scholarships to all Lehigh County residents who attend this training.

For information, contact Penn State Extension at 610-391-9840 or LehighExt@psu.edu.