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Lynn board gives conditional approval to Madison Village mobile home plan

The Madison Village mobile home plan was presented to Lynn Township supervisors for review during their Feb. 14 meeting.

The developer was seeking conditional final plan approval.

Supervisor Steve Feinour was again worried about the sewer situation.

Madison Village has 24 Equivalent Dwelling Units and there are another 24 available.

A total of 66 would be needed for the project.

Feinour stated Madison Village might not be able to acquire all the 24 available because other developers need some.

Solicitor Mark Fisher said one of the conditions for approval could be Phase I would use the available EDUs while Phase II would acquire the extras.

The LCA would control the acquisition of the EDUs.

Feinour was of the understanding there was supposed to be an additional well drilled for the LCA but a suitable location could not be found. This could also be a condition of approval according to Fisher.

Minimum flow is expected to be 990 gallons per day. Water at the fire hydrants must be 500 gallons per minute.

The existing house on the property will be used as a club house for the community but other structures would be torn down.

The road would remain private but must be built to township standards. Sidewalks would need be installed along the developer’s road and from the intersection with Schochary Road, along Schochary Road to Madison Park.

This would give access to the tot lot and the township would use some of the recreation fees to update the playground.

Supervisor Brian Dietrich was concerned about stormwater but was assured by township engineer Chris Noll the stormwater pond could handle the flow.

A waiver was given on the sheet size of the plans. Along with this waiver, the plans were approved conditionally with the following conditions: Developer must comply with Keystone Consulting Engineering Dec. 18, 2018, letter; agrees to have all improvements installed for both phases; pay all recreation fees for 48 units; pay all fees relating to Phase II before the start; comply with zoning board decision and agrees approval of the plan is no guarantee the required number of EDU’s will be available and the proposed phasing must be approved.