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The Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners approved Ordinance 2019-03 which added the right-of-way on the Weiner Tract to the agricultural security area at its March 7 meeting. This further seals the land preservation of this property.

The sewer module for the Depot Properties project was approved. This project is for the truck staging area by Orchard and Alburtis roads.

The 5G Wireless Antenna Ordinance was tabled. The commissioners need to further investigate this project after feedback from the advertising of this ordinance.

George Caldarelli submitted his notice of resignation from the public safety commission. Caldarelli has spent many years serving the township in various ways, among them fire service and public safety. The commissioners regretfully accepted the resignation and spoke of Caldarelli’s achievements and service to the township.

Jerett Gilbert was appointed to the audit advisory committee with the term to expire the first Monday of January 2022. Martine Minninger was appointed to the public safety commission with a term to expire Dec. 31, 2020.

Three bids were received for the Little Lehigh pedestrian bridge. There is a discrepancy on a document from the lowest bidder. It was recommended and approved for all bids to be rejected.

Six bids were received for the Wild Cherry Lane Bridge project ranging from $283,000 to $500,300. The lowest bidder is CriLon who was approved for the project. Their bid was for $283,000 and will include guide rail and treatments.

Bids were received for the micro-surfacing and the ultra-thin friction course project with Asphalt Maintenance Solutions winning both bids. The bid for micro-surfacing was $341,500 and the bid for the ultra-thin friction course was $207,700. The bids were approved.

An update was given by Township Engineer Alan Fornwalt. Norfolk Southern has approved the crossing and now a few more details need to be finalized at that level. Fornwal hopes to have answers in April.

The solicitor was asked to draft an ordinance for advertising for no parking on the service road behind the Charcoal Drive-In.

A Gaga ball pit is proposed at the Wild Cherry Lane Park. Further research needs to occur but the project should be fairly inexpensive.

The budget and finance committee met to discuss the refuse contract. This should be brought before the commissioners soon.