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Recreation fields damaged: $500 reward offered

Heidelberg Township Supervisor Steve Bachman reported at the board’s Feb. 28 meeting there was damage at the Northwestern Recreation Community Park by someone driving a vehicle on the fields.

Three portable toilets and a bleacher were also overturned.

To replace the handicapped toilet will cost $2,100. Representatives from Call of Nature, which owns the portable toilets, attended the meeting.

Scott Wanamaker, Call of Nature representative, suggested moving the handicapped toilet and one other to cement pads in the area where the stone is in the parking lot.

They would have protective stakes filled with cement which would make them difficult to destroy.

He said the toilet was damaged beyond repair and would need complete replacement.

Call of Nature could dig the holes for the stakes but would need help with the work.

In the past, the company has replaced damaged portable toilets without charge but it has become too common for the company to bear the cost.

State police were notified and a report taken. A $500 reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who caused the damage.

Maintenance worker Jim Hughes said the damage from driving on the fields will not be as extensive to repair as that of two years ago because it is not in a grassy area.

In other matters, Chief Jay Scheffler gave the monthly report from Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville.

For firefighter training purposes, a bus will be turned on its side on top of a car. Northwest Road will be closed for this activity. The fire company is also looking for a house on which to practice demolition.

A $13,000 grant has been received toward adding an 18-foot bay to the fire station.

“Perhaps the township could help with the work,” Scheffler said.

Emergency Management Coordinator Josh Bingham, has submitted his resignation. The job has a $500 budget plus paying one-half of any time missed from work to do EMC work.

Scheffler said procedures for emergency management will need to be rewritten because a new person should have the right to do things their own way.

A second person would help make the position less stressful, he said.

In December 2018, Northern Valley Ambulance Corps received 107 calls, 17 of which were from Heidelberg.

These calls were responded to within an average of 8.76 minutes. In January, 18 calls were answered within 9.2 minutes.

Supervisor Jonathan Jakum reported auditing is being done and the written report is being prepared.

An alternate planning commission member is needed to attend the monthly planning meetings.

The Northwestern Recreation Commission voted to add cameras: $1,600 in the area of the pavilion which would include the playground and $1,900 at the concession/equipment area which would provide coverage for the entire upper area.

A letter has been drafted requesting a meeting with township roadmasters to determine what if anything they could do to help with the walking trail.

Zoning Officer Dawn Didra reported the parking issue and unlicensed cars have resurfaced in Heidelberg Heights.

A letter went out to residents asking for their cooperation when snow plowing is being done. If vehicles are moved off the roadway, the plows can go right to the sidewalks.

An unlicensed day care was contacted. The woman was watching four children instead of the allowed three. She agreed to stop.

“It seems to be a neighbor thing,” said Didra.

Didra was appointed as enforcement officer for all ordinances and parking enforcement officer. Keystone Consulting Engineers will be the alternate for both positions.

Jakum was appointed to the Environmental Advisory Council.

Chris Noll, engineer, reported storm sewers are still overflowing into the sanitary system.

The school district is working to keep stormwater out of its sanitary system.

The bid for a filled propane tank for the heating and air conditioning unit was $4,835.

Lee Miller Cars and Trucks junkyard ordinance was renewed by the board.