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On March 1, East Penn School District Superintendent of Schools Kristen Campbell released the following statement:

“We would like to make you aware of a social media challenge, referred to as the ‘Momo Challenge,’ that is targeting young children and creating concern throughout our community. The Momo Challenge is a potentially dangerous ‘game’ found on social media platforms including YouTube, Facebook, and WhatsApp. This game features a ghoulish character encouraging children to perform tasks that are harmful in nature and provide photos as proof of completing the task. If a child chooses not to participate, the character then threatens the child by telling them that she has damaging information on them and will release it if they don’t take the challenge.

“While there is debate on whether or not the Momo videos truly exist, we wanted to make you aware of this game and encourage you to monitor your children’s use of social media and the Internet. It is our priority to keep our students safe. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Momo Challenge, please contact your child’s principal, teacher or guidance counselor.”

The Lehigh County Office of Aging and Adult Services is now accepting nominations for its 2019 Unsung Heroes Program. The awards are given to Lehigh County residents age 60 and over who volunteered outstanding contributions or services that promoted, enhanced and enriched the quality of life for others.

The winners must be available to attend the local Unsung Hero celebration May 15. Nomination forms are available by visiting www.lehighcounty.org/Departments/Human-Services/Aging-and-Adult-Services.

Nominations must be postmarked by March 8.