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Board discusses rec field damage

With the cancellation of their January meeting, Northwestern Recreation Commission members had their reorganization meeting Feb. 27.

Lynn Township representative to the commission Justin Smith was renamed president. Rick Hughes was chosen as vice president and Todd Hernandez will serve as secretary.

Then, discussion moved on to the topic most people came to the meeting to hear about -the damage at the recreation commission park.

According to a public information release from State Police Troop M, Bethlehem, three fields (5, 6 and 7) were driven on between 12:30 p.m. Feb. 22 and 5 p.m. Feb. 24 by a vehicle leaving ruts.

Not included in the police report was that three portable toilets were tipped over and a bleacher had been overturned.

Representatives from Call of Nature, which provided the portable toilets attended the meeting.

Scott Wanamaker said damage to the toilets has become a recurring issue and they need to be protected.

He suggested anchoring them to a concrete slab with stakes to prevent vehicles from driving into them.

The handicapped toilet and one other will be moved to the stone area in the parking lot.

Placing concrete in the poles would result in damage to vehicles that tried to run into them.

He suggested Todd Wentz help with the concrete work. Volunteers from the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association and the townships could help.

The relocation site could be determined during the annual park walkaround set for 8 a.m. March 16.

Smith will check with the insurance company to see if the damage is covered by the policy. The damage to the handicapped portable toilet is $2,100.

Wanamaker said the toilets were pushed off the base and the doors were pushed in.

Hernandez said he would talk about the incident with the school police as he is on the school board.

Patrolling the fields would be at their discretion.

There is a $500 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible.

Kathy Hermany, Night in the Country chairperson, said arrangements were made for portable toilets and golf carts were ordered for this year’s Night in the Country. Steel Creek band will return.