The French club will meet Feb. 27 right after school in Room 239 for a painting party. It’s never too late to join French Club. See Madame Kalb in Room 239 for more information.
The next German Club meeting will be Feb. 27 in Room 333. Plans are being made for laser tag, a German cooking class, Penn State and a possible cultural exchange day. New members are always welcome to join.
The Health and Wellness/Fitness Club will hold its dodgeball tournament 6-9 p.m. Feb. 28 in the main and auxiliary gyms. Come out and support your favorite team. There is a cost for spectators collected at the door. Students who are playing in the tournament should meet 5:30 p.m. for team check-in and rules.
Advanced Placement exam registration will end March 1 at the end of the school day. This is the last opportunity to order exams. The cost per exam must be brought to the counseling office via cash or check, payable to Emmaus High School, at the time of registration. You do not need to write multiple checks if you are taking more than one exam. If your family is experiencing financial hardship, such as qualifying for free/reduced lunch, please see your counselor.
Shave for the Brave will be held at the EHS 5-8 p.m. March 8.
The SnoCo dance rescheduled date is 7-10 p.m. March 9. Students who are no longer able to attend due to the new date can receive refunds from Mrs. Montero before Period 1 or after school or in Room 537. Habitat for Humanity will host a spaghetti dinner 5-7 p.m. March 16 in the EHS cafe. Tickets for the dinner are discounted for those under 10 years old. It is the same day as the musical.
The annual Mud Club empty bowls event will be held in the cafe 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 23.
The Interact Club will be selling gum during lunch periods. All proceeds will go back to the school to purchase the next filtered water fountain.
Anyone planning to take Spanish 3 or higher next year and interested in traveling to Spain during Easter Break 2020 there is still time to enroll. See Señora Hess in Room 332 or Señora Ardito in Room 235 for information.
Mud Club will meet every Tuesday. All are welcome in Room 520 after school.
Game Club will be held Tuesdays after school in Room 523.
Anyone that would like to purchase a yearbook, go to balfour.com.
EHS hosted the fourth annual Computer Science Competition for nine local high school computer science teams Feb. 22.
The senior sign sale has started. The sale ends May 23. Signs can be ordered for seniors at https://bit.ly/2TcHtnJ.
School will now be in session April 18, June 12 and 13. School will be in session for EHS only June 14 and 17. Graduation is still June 9 and will not change.
The senior class photo is available for purchase at this link https://christmascitystudio.smugmug.com/High-Schools/Emmaus-HS/Senior-Group.