District News: Gockley sets event for families
Gockley Elementary School’s family fun night will be 6-8 p.m. March 6. The purpose of this event is to provide fitness games and activities for the family to enjoy and to encourage physical activity outside of physical education classes.
Some of the activities will include a free throw contest, bowling contest, wheelbarrow race, football-throwing contest, bean bag toss, hula hoop ball toss, hopper race and basket toss. There will be light refreshments and a prize for the winner at each station.
Reminder: Read Across America, a national program that promotes reading and adult involvement in the education of our students, is March 1. The goal is to motivate children to read.
March is the birthday month of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. His books have led generations of children to learn the joy of reading.
Gockley Elementary’s theme this year will be based on Dr. Seuss’ book “The Cat in the Hat.” Inspired by the theme book, students and staff will wear their favorite hats.
There will be a variety of classroom activities. Each student will receive a special Dr. Seuss item.
Whitehall High School students from Lehigh Career & Technical Institute will be special guest readers. Whitehall-Coplay Middle School Leo Club members will also come to Gockley Elementary to read to students.
The Pennies for Pasta fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is underway at Zephyr Elementary. This is a friendly competition for students, homerooms and grade levels. Students were given a collection box to save any loose change or more for the annual drive.
Each year, Zephyr’s Key Club holds this fundraiser to raise money for the fight against cancer. Club members hope to continue their successful campaign.
The event will continue until March 7.
Whitehall-Coplay School District will be closed March 8 for a professional development day for teachers.
Whitehall High School students are reminded about AP sign-ups, currently taking place in the counseling office. The deadline to sign up for the AP test is March 18.
The cost of the test is $94. Students who receive free/reduced lunches pay $53. Payments can be made by cash, check or money order.
The state testing window is approaching. The PSSAs in English/language arts and math will be administered to third-grade students April 15-May 3.
Parents are reminded to be sure students get plenty of restful sleep and start each day with a light, healthy breakfast.
No vacation time during this testing window will be approved.
Please be aware of our district’s attendance policies. When your child is absent, a written note must be submitted within three days to deem the absence excused.
When three unexcused days are accumulated, a truancy letter is sent home. Truancy penalties have increased under Gov. Tom Wolf.
Parents/guardians of third-grade students are reminded about dental exams. A dental exam is required by the state of Pennsylvania for all students in third grade. If your child has recently seen the dentist and you have not returned the yellow Private Dentist’s Report form, return the completed/signed exam form to the school nurse as soon as possible.
Parents also have the option to choose a school dental exam for their child. This is a free exam for those students who return their signed choice form to the school nurse. This exam will be done in the spring of 2019.
If you need a form, call the nurse at 610-435-1521, ext. 5.
Attention, Steckel Elementary School parents/guardians: Make sure you park in a parking space or the loop when picking up your child.
It makes it very difficult for the buses to get through if cars are double parked.
Summer Academy applications are available to sophomores and juniors for academic scholarships and experience in health care, agricultural sciences and global entrepreneurship. These are elite programs offered at University of Pittsburgh, Penn State University and Lehigh University.
For more information, contact your counselor.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.