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As part of the reading curriculum for seventh grade students at Salisbury Middle School, the book “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls is a favorite. The story revolves around a 10-year-old boy from the Ozarks during the great depression and his two hunting hounds Old Dan and Little Ann. The story follows the boy’s trials and tribulations and the many emotions surrounding these dogs.

“Where the Red Fern Grows” has won many awards including a Literary Guild section, a 1987 Massachusetts Children’s Book Award, a 1995 Earphone Award for Audio Version, a 1989 Great Stone Face Award and a 1981 North Dakota Children’s Book Award.

As part of the curriculum, the students read the book and watched the movie comparing it to the book.

For extra credit, teacher Beth Prokesch suggested the students dress in attire like the characters in the book and were encouraged to stay in those clothes for the entire day.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHSalisbury Middle School students dress in attire like the characters in “Where the Red Fern Grows” for extra credit Feb. 15.