On Feb. 6, the Salisbury Township School District School Board held a special meeting to accept the resignation of board member Robert Kulp effective Jan. 18.
Kulp cited other responsibilities taking up his time and felt now was the best time to leave the board.
The district solicitor told the board they had two options to fill the vacancy: appoint someone or advertise, interview candidates and appoint within a 30-day time frame from the date of resignation. The board’s efforts to find a replacement ended with one interested candidate.
The board then announced the nomination of Kulp’s replacement, Courtney W. Gibbs, effective Jan. 18. The board voted and passed both resolutions.
Gibbs is director, U.S. Flu Pricing with Sanofi Pasteur. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in business administration and psychology and a Master of Business Administration degree from DeSales University.
Gibbs will fill the remainder of Kulp’s term which ends in December.
The regular board meeting followed. Student representatives from each school provided updates of school events.
The local holiday resolution for the 2019-2020 school term and the Salisbury High School program of studies for 2019-2020 were approved.
The proposed district calendar for the 2019-2020 school year will be discussed at the next curriculum meeting and voted on at the next school board meeting.
The 2019-2020 proposed preliminary budget reflecting total expenditures of $38,665,570 was approved. Administrators were authorized to apply for all referendum exceptions for which the district may qualify.
In personnel news, the board accepted the resignation of Corinne Ramunni, a full-time learning support teacher at Western Salisbury Elementary School effective no later than March 26.
The board also accepted the resignation, due to retirement, of Natalie Kriner as a full-time guidance counselor at SHS effective the end of the school year.
James Kehm was approved as a part-time custodian at WSE effective Jan. 29.
Heather Laczo was approved as part-time, four hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE effective Feb. 19, pending completion of requirements.
The board approved the transfer of Barbara Ebner from a part-time 4.5 hours a day, one-to-one instructional assistant at WSE to a part-time 4.5 hours a day intervention instructional assistant at WSE effective Feb. 19.
Dylan Bonge and James Hahn were approved as assistant varsity track co-coaches, vault for the 2018-2019 school year.
Amanda Pascale was approved as the musical director adviser for the 2018-2019 school year pending completion of requirements.
Amie Banham was approved as a volunteer twirling coach for the 2018-2019 school term without pay, pending completion of requirements.
The Lehigh Career and Technical Institute budget in the amount of $27,666,000 was approved by the board. Salisbury’s portion is $915,091.98.
The Pennsylvania School Boards Association is focusing on the Governor’s proposed budget. Discussion included a $200 million increase in basic education funding, $50 million for special education funding and a $45 million increase to school safety. There are discussions regarding lowering the kindergarten attendance age and exploring the costs and benefits of adding all-day kindergarten to all school districts in the commonwealth. There were also discussions around increasing the minimum dropout age to 18 and exploring new partnerships with Pennsylvania’s businesses to allow teachers to enter the workforce to explore careers that can be brought back to the classrooms to teach students about the current demands in Pennsylvania’s businesses.
Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss announced the release of “Education Write Now,” Volume II, a book he co-wrote with nine other thought leaders discussing relationships and culture in education. Ziegenfuss wrote about strengthening relationships in the learner-center class.
The royalties generated from this book will support the Will to Live Foundation, a nonprofit working to prevent teen suicide.
The next curriculum and technology meeting will be held 7 p.m. Feb. 20 at Harry S Truman Elementary School.
The next operations committee meeting will be held 7 p.m. March 4 at the administration building.
The next regular board meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. March 13 in the administration building.