A review of the Salisbury Township fee schedule may result in increases in the fees.
A vote on the fee schedule may be on the agenda of the 7 p.m. Feb. 14 Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners meeting in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.
Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich discussed the fee schedule during the workshop following the Jan. 24 township commissioners’ meeting.
“We should really be doing this annually,” Bonaskiewich said to commissioners.
Among the fees for township services Bonaskiewich mentioned are: water and sewer, rental inspection, sewer enforcement, police accident report copies, curbing and street excavation.
During the public comment portion of the Jan. 24 meeting, Charles Beck, a township resident and chairman of the township planning commission, complained about vehicles parked along Potomac Street.
“If people are parked on Potomac, you can hardly pass,” claimed Beck.
Beck, who has complained about the matter previously before the commissioners, also complained about alleged speeding along the street.
“Should a child come along, they wouldn’t be able to stop,” Beck said.
“I know that people go six miles per hour ... plus 60,” Beck quipped.
Beck also expressed concerns about woodchips he said ere piled “five-foot-high” at a property along Fairview Road.
“Were that to start on fire, it would burn forever,” Beck claimed.
After questioning by township commmisoners board Vice President Debra Brinton and discussion by Salisbury Township Chief of Police Allen W. Stiles, it was determined that the size of one of the vehicles parked along Potomac might determine the extent of allowable township enforcement, depending on whether or not it’s classifed as a commercial vehicle.
“The one trailer has New York plates on it and so does the truck,” Beck said.
“If it’s not a commerical vehicle we can’t enforce it,” Salisbury Township Police Sgt. Kevin Soberick said.
“Should we have another ordinance?” Brinton asked.
“I suppose this is something we can look into,” Brinton said, who chaired the Jan. 24 meeting in the absence of commissioners’ President Robert Martucci Jr.
“We’ll look into it and report back,” Salisbury Township Code Enforcement Officer Sandy Nicolo said.