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Weisenberg Elementary School Principal Jill Berlet

Staff and students at the school recently gathered in the gym for an awards assembly hosted by the PTO.

This was no ordinary assembly, they were celebrating the success of their Joe Corbi pizza fundraiser.

The goal of the fundraiser was to have students sell more than 600 items in order to have the special assembly.

Their final total was 961 items.

The highlight of the assembly occurred when Principal Jill Berlet walked into the gym covered in a raincoat and shower cap in preparation for her portion of the event.

Berlet had agreed to be slimed if the students met their sales goal.

Two youngsters, Olivia Trexler and Cole Moyer were chosen to slime Berlet.

Also, as a reward the PTO brought in a “Tiger Ticket” wind tunnel, which they filled with Tiger Tix.

Students collect these tickets throughout the school year to use for special events).

The top 12 sellers were chosen to go into the Tiger ticket wind tunnel.

Lucky winners included: Miley Divers, Omari Graham, Anabel Kline, Lexi Leggett, Cole Moyer, Avery Muller, Richard Reinhart, McKenna Schlegel, Nicholas Schmoyer, Olivia Trexler, Brynlee Tyndall and Grace Wiley.

The PTO also offered five teachers the chance to enter the wind tunnel and gather as many tickets as they could.

In their case, however, there were special tickets added that would allow them to receive special items for classroom use.

The lucky teachers were: Cindy O’Neill, Jamie Hafner, Jen McDonald, Melanie Urso and Denise Wiik.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LINDA DEIBERTWeisenberg Elementary students enjoyed watching their classmates and teachers try to catch tickets as a prize. Anabel Kline takes her turn in the Tiger Tix wind tunnel.