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Middle school art displayed in board room

Before the opening exercises of the January Northwestern Lehigh School Board meeting, President Bill Dellicker said having young people attending the meeting was a pleasure.

Middle school art instructor Christiana Fogel had artwork created by her students displayed on the wall of the board meeting room and the artists were there to receive audience accolades.

David Dovico, middle school principal, said he was excited to see the artwork all around the middle school and anyone with a chance to visit the school should take time to see the art.

Fogel said she wanted to take a step back and let the students develop an idea.

“What the eighth graders chose was to work in blocks,” Fogel said. “They learned what came together. It was a spectacular way to work.”

The seventh graders’ work was about feelings by facial expression.

The pieces showed the eye portion of the face in a variety of styles.

Pieces by sixth graders presented ideas where students would rather live: in a trash can for the rest of their lives, on the street for 10 days, or alone in a forest where Bigfoot had been sighted.

No one felt like a failure because they were building on an earlier day, Fogel explained.

“I want to thank the students for their diligent and creative spirit,” Fogel said. “Artists create, revise, present, respond and connect to their works of art that create relevant and meaningful connections to life.”

PRESS PHOTO BY ELSA KERSCHNERMiddle school students whose work is displayed in the school board meeting room include Joe Langley, Tessa DeJusus, Wyatt Ruhe, Makayla Rausch, Jenna Breininger, James Hungaski, Aiden Dickman, Naomi Henninger, Riley Reichard, Nathan Kinzel, Grace Bilowith, Jesssica Boyle and Erik Mather.