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School officials and personnel from Western Salisbury Fire Department fully evacuated some 300 students from the Arts Academy Charter Middle School, 1610 East Emmaus Ave., to Salisbury High School Jan. 22, after a leak in a natural gas main was detected in front of the school.

Western Salisbury firefighters responding to a serious motor vehicle accident that occurred about 6:45 a.m. at Cedar Crest Boulevard, were dispatched 7:20 a.m. to investigate a strong odor of natural gas near Butz Lane and East Emmaus Avenue.

Western Salisbury Fire Department Chief Joshua Wells said the odor was traced to an area in front of the school. Wells and school officials used the building’s fire alarm system to evacuate the school after buses were summoned from the nearby Paragon Transit bus depot to transport students to the Salisbury High School gymnasium.

Fire department engines were used to shut down East Emmaus Avenue from Fairview Road to Butz Lane while UGI utility crews worked to pinpoint the source of the leak. The scene was turned over to UGI shortly before 9:30 a.m. and the road remained closed while crews worked to repair the leaking gas main.

Salisbury Township Fire Inspector Kyle Mertl was on scene with an Eastern Salisbury Fire Department engine and Eastern Salisbury Fire Police aided in the road shutdown.

Arts Academy officials canceled the day’s classes and used parent notification procedures to arrange for students to be picked up at the high school.

Fire apparatus from Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company is used to shut down East Emmaus Avenue from Fairview Road to Butz Lane Jan. 22 after the Arts Academy Middle School, 161 E. Emmaus Ave., was evacuated because of a natural gas main leak in front of the school. See additional photos on Page A2.PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH