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Letter to the editor

To the Editor:

I am responding in reference to a story by Al Recker that appeared Jan. 10 in the Northampton Press. The article concerned Northampton Borough Municipal Authority’s (NBMA) offer to acquire the Whitehall Township Authority (WTA) in exchange for paying Whitehall Township money for its assets.

In this article, it states that NBMA’s rate per 1,000 gallons is $4.25, and WTA’s rate is $5. Please be advised that NBMA’s rate structure is twofold. NBMA’s rate per 1,000 gallons is $4.01; however, for a single residential dwelling, there is a minimum quarterly charge of $36 based on the meter size. This minimum charge increases with larger size meters. This information was omitted in the article. In comparison, a residential customer who uses 5,000 gallons of water would receive a bill of $25 from the WTA, whereas the same water consumption with NBMA would result in a bill of $56.05, more than double the cost.

The board of the Whitehall Township Authority found this article to be very misleading and omitting very important facts. We feel there should be a clarification so that the water customers of the Whitehall Township Authority and the residents of Whitehall Township are properly informed.

Henry R. Weber

Chairman Whitehall Township Authority