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District News: WHS student earns honorable mention

Whitehall High School student Nicholas Saylor won honorable mention in the first Draw the Lines Pennsylvania election mapping competition. He won in the youth category in the east region division. This competition was the biggest in the nation’s history, with 318 entries and 20 winners.

The winners each drew an 18-district congressional map of Pennsylvania, with an accompanying essay.

Participants ranged in age from high school sophomores to educators. Entries were scored on metrics such as equal population, number of competitive districts, compactness, limiting county splits and the essay. The maps were drawn on DistrictBuilder, the project’s unique, free digital mapping tool.

“For the first time in our nation’s history, digital technology now makes it possible for voters to play a direct role in drawing election districts,” said David Thornburgh, president and CEO of Committee of Seventy, the Philadelphia-based good government nonprofit that launched Draw the Lines Pennsylvania. “The winning maps in our first contest make it clear that the people of our state are ready, willing and able to play that role.”


The carnation sale, organized by Whitehall-Coplay Middle School’s Student Council, is underway until Feb. 1. The cost is $1, and all the money collected goes to the American Cancer Foundation. Students are able to purchase carnations during lunch periods.

Carnations and cards will be delivered Feb. 13.


WHS’ spring sports sign-ups began this week for baseball, softball, boys tennis, boys volleyball and track and field. Interested students should visit the athletic office to sign up.


Feb. 8 is the deadline to register for the SAT in March. Visit collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register. The cost is $64 with writing.

Fee waivers are available in the counseling office for students on free/reduced lunch. See your counselor for further details.


Gockley Elementary School’s upcoming family fun night will be 6-8 p.m. March 6. The purpose of this event is to provide fitness games and activities for the family to enjoy and to encourage physical activity outside of physical education classes.

Some of the activities will include a free throw contest, bowling contest, wheelbarrow race, football-throwing contest, bean bag toss, hula hoop ball toss, hopper race and basket toss. There will be light refreshments and a prize at each station for the winner.


The Class of 2020 will be hosting a designer purse bingo fundraiser March 31 in the cafeteria of WHS. See Mr. Krempasky in room B113 for tickets.


WCMS’ “Zephyrtough” Employee of the Month is here. Does your child have a favorite teacher or staff member at the middle school? Want to recognize a colleague for going above and beyond for the students and faculty? Well, here is your chance to recognize that teacher or staff member.

There is a link on the school website that will allow you to vote.


Do you have any Whitehall-Coplay School District news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.