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School requests approval for turf

Following the Jan. 7 reorganization meeting of Heidelberg supervisors, the board met for its regular monthly meeting.

Terry Degroot of Terra Forma Engineering was accompanied by Northwestern Lehigh School District Superintendent Jennifer Holman and Operations Director Arthur Oakes.

There are to be renovations to the existing track with a rubberized surface rather than cinders.

New bleachers and a press box are to be added. Javelin and the discus throw, which were on the north side of the track, are to be moved to the south side.

There will be improvements for concessions. A field house is for the future but at this time there is no time line set.

Chris Noll, engineer, said the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit is good for five years.

Degroot had brought a sample of the turf, which has a plastic backing and is filled with rubber and sand.

Water goes through it into a stone bed. The benefit is that there are no puddles. It can take more use than a grass surface.

Four waivers were requested and approved by supervisors.

Noll said there will be gravel under the bleachers that will work as a dry well. The area is part of the Jordan Creek Watershed.

Conditional approval was granted contingent on approval of the waivers and contents of a letter.

One-third acre of property adjacent to the township property has been appraised for purchase. The chance to buy the property was termed a once in a lifetime opportunity. There is no plan for its use at this time. The appraised cost is $97,400.