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In honor of Board of School Directors’ Recognition Month, the Salisbury Township School District Board Members were thanked at the Jan. 16 meeting.

Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss thanked the board members for their service to the district.

Board members were also given gifts from students.

Board member Robert Kulp was not in attendance.

Western Salisbury Elementary School students Lukas Bruaw and Kamryn Kaough provided a report on school happenings as did Kayleigh Gasdik and Izabella Gonzalez from Harry S Truman Elementary School.

Brooke Bleam and Tristan Monahan represented Salisbury Middle School and Sarah Bobeck and Taliah Martinez represented Salisbury High School.

In committee reports, an overnight extracurricular trip for the Future Business Leaders of America students to participate in a state competition in Hershey April 7 to 10 was approved.

The indoor twirling team was approved for an overnight extracurricular trip to Wildwood, N.J., May 2 to 5 to participate in a competition.

In other business, the district renewed its insurance coverage effective Jan. 7 through Jan. 7, 2020.

The board approved a 60-month lease with Marlin Business Bank for television studio equipment at a cost of $36,029.90.

Also approved was the hiring of LPG Group for an energy cost of $46,977.98, subject to review and approval of a contract between LPG Group and the district by the solicitor.

In personnel news, the board accepted the resignation of Elizabeth Kantzaridis as a full-time special education teacher at WSE effective at a date to be determined but no later than Feb. 8.

The board also accepted the resignation of Melissa Holland as a part-time, four hours a day instructional assistant at SMS effective Dec. 21, 2018; Jennifer Chanitz as a part-time, four hours a day intervention instructional assistant at WSE effective Jan. 18; Holly Gerlach as a part-time, four hours a day intervention instructional assistant at WSE effective Jan. 25; Randall Lapp as a part-time 4.75 hours a day third shift custodian at WSE effective Jan. 16 and Carly Brown as an assistant twirling coach effective Jan. 1.

Social Studies teacher Katie Royer achieved tenure status as a result of three years of satisfactory service in the district effective Jan. 14.

Steven Wagner was approved as a four hours a day, part-time one-to-one instructional assistant at SMS effective Jan. 16. Marietta Bartel was approved as a four hours a day, part-time library instructional assistant at SMS effective at a date to be determined, pending completion of requirements.

Justin Aungst was approved as a game worker for the 2018-2019 school term at a rate to be determined based on responsibilities.

In committee reports, Director Mary Ziegler reported Salisbury’s contribution to the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit budget has been reduced by $700. The 2019-2020 general operating budget for the CLIU was approved.

Board Vice President Samuel DeFrank reported the enrollment at Lehigh Carbon Community College is up by approximately 30 percent. DeFrank said online enrollment has increased. There has been a 4.4 percent increase in fees for students. LCCC is expanding the Donley Center and the nursing program. They continue to look for a larger site in the Allentown area as they are growing. They are currently staffed to support the needs of the students.

Board President Frank Frankenfield reported on the activities at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute. Currently, there are 105 Salisbury students attending LCTI. Director Susan Lea reported on the Pennsylvania School Boards Association legislative policy council. The board adopted the PSBA Principles for Governance and Leadership. Lea said Gov. Tom Wolf will give his budget address Feb. 5. Lea also reported on legislation introduced changing the requirements to transport students from 10 miles to five miles from the Salisbury border.

During the citizens inquiries and comments portion of the meeting, resident and former board member Alan DeBona addressed the board regarding follow-up to the mold problem at WSE. DeBona said he made comments at a recent board meeting which were not included in the minutes to the meeting. He asked for his comments to be made a part of the January minutes.

DeBona noted teachers are considered “first reporters” related to “reporting situations where a student’s welfare is at stake.” DeBona said if teachers fail to report a situation there are potential legal repercussions.

DeBona said this is a state law and therefore, he felt it was his ethical and moral obligation to make the following statement:

“For the public record, I believe ... the teachers should be absolved from any culpability and/or liability for the mold situation because they ‘reported’ the situation 2-4 weeks earlier than the Aug. 20 [2018] date and no action was taken. The mold was ‘confirmed’ three days before school not ‘discovered’ as reported. Action on the mold was only taken after a third party IU teacher reported the mold to his third party IU supervisor.

“The board might want to ask itself ... ‘Why might this information be important to know? Here’s a hint: think about the time frame and find out who was in the building other than support staff, teachers and administration.”

The next curriculum and technology meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. Jan. 28 at SHS. The next operations committee meeting is 7 p.m. Feb. 4 at the administration building. The next regular board meeting is 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6 in the administration building.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHWestern Salisbury Elementary School students write messages on jumbling tower pieces for each board member in recognition of their volunteer service to the district.