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Running-for-office workshop on Jan. 26

Thinking of running for local office in 2019? Circulating a petition to be placed on the ballot begins Feb. 19.

To many, running for local office can be a daunting task.

To assist candidates through this complex process, the League of Women Voters of Lehigh County will conduct a “Running for Local Office Workshop” between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 26 at the DeSales University Center, 2755 Station Ave., Center Valley.

This workshop is designed to give someone thinking of running for local office, or working on a campaign, an understanding of how to qualify and run.

Lehigh Valley offices up for election in 2019 are: mayor, city and borough councils, township supervisors and commissioners, school directors, magisterial district judges and judge of Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas.

The workshop will show individuals: how to start, organize and manage a campaign, how to do the legal paperwork, how to work with a committee, how to work with the press, and what techniques have worked successfully for others, a whole lot more.

This unique opportunity will help campaigns get off on the right foot.

Essential information, designed specifically for candidates in the Lehigh Valley, will be included in a workbook to take home. There is a fee to cover the cost of materials.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, whose purpose is to promote political responsibility through active and informed participation of citizens.

Additional information and the application form may be obtained at lwvlehighcounty.org or by contacting Dr. Kellen Gracey at 610-282-1100 ext. 1827 or emailing Kellen.Gracey@desales.edu.