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Martin announces re-election bid

Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin, a Republican, has announced he is seeking re-election.

Martin has been district attorney since January 1998 when he was appointed by Lehigh County commissioners to succeed Judge Robert L. Steinberg.

He was elected to four-year terms in 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015.

He is the longest serving district attorney in county history. In 2015, he received 1,771 write-in votes for the nomination on the Democrat ticket and, thus, was the nominee of both major parties.

Martin has served as president of the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Association and as a member of its executive board.

He has also served on the Governor’s Victim Services Advisory Committee for eight years and on the Pennsylvania Bar Association/ Pennsylvania Supreme Court Commission for Justice Initiatives.

In addition, he has been a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates since 1987 and is a past president of the Bar Association of Lehigh County and a current member of its board.

“I will run on my experience and record of achievement over my 21 years as Lehigh County District Attorney,” Martin stated in a news release.

Martin has been a lawyer for more than 46 years, a prosecutor for 28 years and is an experienced trial attorney, having tried 16 murder cases to jury verdict. In addition, he has handled dozens more resolved by guilty pleas.

“lt is essential to have a person with strong experience as district attorney,” Martin wrote. “I have proven over the 21 years of my tenure I have the experience, judgment and integrity to lead this important office.”

Martin graduated from Allentown Central Catholic High School and received a Bachelor’s degree from Mount St. Mary’s University in Maryland.

He received his law degree from the Temple University School of Law.

Martin resides with his wife, Patricia, in Center Valley.

Jim Martin