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Discussion on Feb. 5

Civil War

Civil War Round Table of Eastern Pennsylvania Inc., will host author Dr. Cheryl Renee Gooch to discuss her newest book, “Hinsonville’s Heroes: Black Civil War Soldiers of Chester County, Pennsylvania,” Feb. 5 at the Holiday Inn Conference Center, 7736 Adrienne Drive, Fogelsville.

The book traces and interprets the lives of 18 men from a black community, who served in the Civil War to end slavery, and their families’ efforts to ensure they are remembered for their role in reunifying the country.

Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Program begins 7:30 p.m. Reservations for the dinner must be made by Jan. 31.

Reservations are not required for just the program.

There is a fee for both the dinner and program.

For reservations and information, contact James Duffy at 610-253-4549, email duffysocwk@aol.com; Carol Detweiler at 215-234-4884, email cdetweiler01@comcast.net or Ed Oechsle at 610-882-9228, email ehoechsle@ptd.net.