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Bridge repair updates provided

Lowhill supervisors were relieved hear at their Jan. 7 meeting that repairs are completed and satisfactorily done to Valley Road Bridge.

Solicitor Keith Strohl reported that for 2019 there has been an inflation adjustment for any public bid requirements.

For anything that is at least $11,600, the township can do an abbreviated bid process, but for anything that is $20,600 or greater, a full bid process needs to be done.

This is approximately a $200 increase from last year.

Engineer Ryan Christman, who confirmed completion of Valley Road Bridge repairs, said he has not heard anything lately about Bear Road Bridge, so he will do a follow up with PennDOT.

Adam’s Outdoor Advertising is scheduled to be heard before the zoning hearing board on the last Thursday of the month.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky reported the road crew removed blocks and barriers at Bittner Corner’s Bridge in December 2018, so repair work could begin.

The crew also trimmed trees along six roads, filled potholes on dirt roads and started to repaint the bathrooms in the township building.