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Weisenberg board readies for new year

All across Pennsylvania the first Monday in January is when townships of the second class reorganize.

Weisenberg Township was no exception.

Linda Gorgas was installed as chairwoman of the board of supervisors with Anthony Werley named vice chairman.

He was also appointed roadmaster with James Werley to serve as assistant roadmaster.

Brian Carl was appointed as the board secretary along with being zoning officer, township administrator and alternate sewage enforcement officer.

Sewage enforcement will be provided by Keystone Consulting Engineers.

Jeff Strauss will serve as township treasurer and township engineer will be Barry Isett and Associates.

Township solicitor will be the law firm of Norris McLaughlin. Ettinger and Associates will serve as the solicitor for the zoning hearing board. Special counsel will be Kozloff, Stoudt Attorneys.

Other appointments included Michael Levitsky and Jeffrey Broadhurst to four-year terms on the planning commission.

Thomas Narkin will serve another three-year term on the zoning hearing board with Richard Wooley serving as alternate.

There will be no raises for township employees. Instead, the township will pay for their health care.

The salary for new employees will be based on their experience.

The Presidents Day holiday will be eliminated and the employees will receive a full day off before the Christmas and New Year holidays.