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District News: Maycie Dreisbach wins PBS39 contest

Whitehall-Coplay Middle School student Maycie Dreisbach was named a winner in the PBS39 Artist of the Month Contest for 2019. She won for painting.

This annual contest showcases young artists from the Lehigh Valley and gives them the chance to be featured by PBS39 on air, on Facebook and on the station’s website.

“PBS39 is proud to support these talented young students,” said Tim Fallon, chief executive officer of PBS39. “PBS39’s commitment to education extends beyond the television screen. Our Artist of the Month program is an opportunity for us to showcase the Lehigh Valley’s bright future.”

This year’s student submissions included music, fine art, writing, digital media and performing arts. Maycie was one of 13 winners.

“I am so impressed by the skills of these students,” said Catherine Reifsnyder, manager of education at PBS39. “We are thankful for the generous support from our partners who make this program a success year after year.”

The artists and their talents are celebrated each December with an art show and party. Support from Crayola, Univest and PPL makes this program possible. Baum School of Art donates certificates for free classes to PBS39 Artists of the Month.


The second marking period ends Jan. 18. Check the parental portals for the latest information, including monthly newsletters, and for access to your child’s report card for the rest of the school year.

Report cards for the second marking period will be sent electronically Jan. 28. Be sure the school has your correct email address.


There is no school Jan. 21 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


There will also be no school Jan. 25. It is a professional development day for teachers.


WCMS will hold its eighth- to ninth-grade transition night 6:30-8:30 p.m. Jan. 31 at the school. This event is very informative for parents/guardians.


Attention juniors: If you are college bound, consider taking the SAT in March of 2019. The deadline to register through the College Board is Feb. 8 at collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register.

The cost is $64 with writing. Fee waivers are available in the counseling office for students on free/reduced lunch.

See your counselor for further details.


All information pertaining to school delays, early dismissals and closings is announced on radio stations and news channels (WAEB AM 790, WFMZ FM 100.7, WLEV AM 1400, WAEB FM 104.1 and WFMZ TV Channel 69). This information can also be found on the district’s website, whitehallcoplay.org, and the WFMZ Stormcenter page, wfmz.com/weather/school-and-business-closings/149606.

In the event of a two-hour delay, students may not be dropped off prior to delay time since school personnel also have a change in report times. In the event of an early dismissal, parents who pick up students should report to the school by the modified dismissal time.


Giant’s A+ Rewards program is underway. Register on Giant’s website, giantfoodstores.com, and enter your reward card number on the lower right-hand side called “Customers - Designate Your School.”

You can also register over the phone at 1-877-ask-aplus (877-275-2758), or you can email askaplus@cranecommunications.com and provide your full name, reward card number and the school ID number.

This program runs through March.


Students have been reminded to dress appropriately to stay warm. Elementary students go out for recess until the temperatures get too low to go outdoors.

Items such as shorts, short skirts and open-toed shoes are not appropriate for cold weather. Outfits that keep the body warm, along with coats, hats and gloves, will help keep kids happy and healthy.


Do you have any Whitehall-Coplay School District news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.