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Lowhill OKs 2019 budget

Lowhill supervisors have adopted the 2019 township budget of $3,112,010.

The millage rate will be .66425 mills. Wage tax rate will be 1 percent to 1.5 percent.

Realty transfer tax will be one-half of 1 percent.

The budget includes: cash, bank accounts, money markets etc., having $2,120,580, fund equity having $2,120,580, taxes are $650,000, licenses are $300, fines were $5,000, interest grants were $61,000, internal revenue was $32,453, charges for services were $53,400, statement with fuels check was $186,482, total revenue had $988,635 and total appropriation was $4,097,850.

Expenditures had $168,731, public safety was $72,774, health and welfare cost $500, highway, roads and streets were $429,835, recreation was $1,500, employee benefits cost $221,500, building funds were $38,000, equipment fund was $53,000 and the total expenditures were $985,840.

Supervisor Robb Werley made a motion to adopt the spending plan and Supervisor Rick Hughes seconded the motion.

In other matters, Deputy Chief Randy Metzger from Goodwill Fire Company, Germansville, provided an update about the purchase of a new fire truck.

Metzger said the company should be getting a new truck in October but would like to have it paid off by that time.

He asked if Lowhill would be able to commit to a donation toward the truck.

Hughes said they could not make a donation in 2019 but a donation may be possible in 2020.

Engineer Ryan Christman reported to the board the contractor making the Valley Road Bridge repairs started on Dec. 6, 2018.

Lowhill received the permit for the construction work approximately a week and a half before they began work.

The repair on this bridge was to be completed by mid December 2018.

However, the township has heard nothing back from PennDOT about the progress of the Bear Road Bridge repair.

Administrator Brian Carl reported he attended a hearing at the end of November 2018 about Adams Outdoor Advertising, but they agreed to continue talks in January.

Carl mentioned he spoke with Chris Noll from Keystone Engineering regarding a possible requirement to have a preconstruction meeting before any work is started that would require a new septic system.

They experienced some issues regarding contractors doing excavating at houses who almost destroyed the septic system area.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky gave the board his report.

In November 2018, they repaired road signs and paved Narris Road, made several necessary vehicle repairs on township equipment and performed winter maintenance.

In December 2018, the road crew was preparing for any winter maintenance and finished tree trimming.

Supervisors discussed approving three different junkyard licenses.

Hughes made a motion to approve R&H Kressley garage for a license to operate a junkyard. Werley seconded it.

Werley made a motion to approve junkyard license for Jay Mordaunt. Hughes seconded it.

Lastly, Hughes made a motion to OK a junkyard license for Richard Landis. Werley seconded it.