The new trash hauler and pickup system was touched upon at the Emmaus Borough Council meeting Jan. 7.
The first week in January was the first time new trash hauler Whitetail Disposal picked up the borough’s refuse. Whitetail will pick up trash throughout the borough three times a week, each day in a different section of the borough.
“To be very honest with you, while there were some bumps in the road, if you don’t expect them then you obviously don’t pay too much attention,” Emmaus Borough Manager Shane Pepe said.
Pepe said Whitetail responded as best they could to the issues and assured him they learned their lessons and that week two will go much smoother.
Pepe said when you have eight days to prepare to start collecting for 11,000 people, “if you think that it’s going to be flawless, again, I think you are ignorant to the complexity of what they are doing, and not to mention the holiday had everyone screwed up.”
He stated it’s not falling apart in just week number one, and they should see how the upcoming weeks go. “The last hauler was still screwing up four years into it, so let’s give them a reprieve on week number one.”
It was noted by Pepe the borough needs to continue putting out the message on educating the residents on the new trash schedule and general refuse information, as the message has still not been clear.
In other business, council is bringing back the position of junior councilperson. This Emmaus High School student will attend every borough council meeting, and will have the option of attending the committee level meetings as well.
Councilwoman Teri Sorg-McManamon said the purpose of this role is to allow council members to nurture and mentor young individuals who are interested in government. Also, the chosen recipient will be the voice for the student body at Emmaus High School and will be giving reports at the monthly meetings.
Of the three individuals interviewed, sophomore Jonas Hausmann was selected to fill this position. Hausmann is a member of the Young Democrats Club, Debate Team and member of the Gay Straight Alliance.
Sorg-McManamon said Hausmann has a “diverse background and interests, and is a student who feels he can reflect the student voice and insight on council through research and fresh ideas.”
Hausmann and his family will be invited to the Jan. 21 council meeting where he will be sworn in for a one-year term. If the term goes well and he wants to continue, his term will be extended.
Council approved the description of the deputy director of emergency services position which was added into this year’s budget and will be advertised in the upcoming weeks. Per the description, the “Deputy Director of Emergency Services serves as the Deputy Fire Chief and has oversight of the Ambulance Chief on the Emmaus Ambulance Corps, as directed by the Director of Emergency Services. The Deputy Director shall also serve as the Emergency Management Coordinator.”
Council unanimously voted to appoint the following officials to their designated positions for the year of 2018: Ambulance Corps. Chief Jeffery Hoffman; Animal Control Officer Ruth Ann Phillips; Borough Manager and Secretary Shane Pepe; Borough Solicitor Dimmich & Dinkelacker, P.C.; Director of Finance and Treasurer Christine Snyder; Certified Public Accountant France, Anderson, Basile and Company; Civil Service Commission Solicitor Davison and McCarthy; Code Enforcement Officer, Public Works and Public Work Inspector James Farnsworth; Earned Income and Local Service Tax Office H.A. Berkheimer; Emergency Management Coordinator James Krippe; Engineer: General, Water, and Sewer Hanover Engineering; Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Services John Price; Fire Inspector Thomas Klocek; Health Officer Garry Ritter; Pension Consultant Police and Non-uniform Mockenhaupt Benefits Group; Per Capital Tax Office H.A. Berkheimer; Police Chief Charles Palmer; Public Works Director John Dychala; Sewer Enforcement Officers Jacob Schray, Gregory Gray and Christopher Taylor; Special Labor Council Campbell, Durrant, Beatty, Palombo & Miller, P.C.; Weed/Snow Enforcement Officer Paula Weiant; Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor Ronald Corkery Esq.