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JAN. 7

• Half-price sale, during regular business hours, at Catasauqua Community Thrift Shop, 113 Bridge St. The sale will continue until Jan. 12.

• Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting, 6:30 p.m., at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 696 Johnson Road, Moorestown. The group meets every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Information: 610-759-7363

• Bingo, 7 p.m. (doors open 5:30 p.m.), at Northampton Banquet & Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

• Arts and crafts, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Drawing classes, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays until Feb. 25. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Gentle Vinyasa yoga, 10:30-11:45 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays and Wednesdays until Feb. 27. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Tai Chi (for beginners), 12:30-1:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays until Feb 25. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

JAN. 8

• Food bank is open (sponsored by Coplay Recreation & Welfare Association), 8:30-10 a.m., in the basement of Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St. Proof of residency is required.

• Gentle chair yoga, 9:30-10:30 a.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Feb. 28. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• The preschool play and learn program (for children ages 3 through those entering kindergarten), 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., at Northampton Area Public Library, 1615 Laubach Ave. Information: 610-262-7537

• Tai Chi exercise, 12:30-1:30 p.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Tuesdays and Fridays until March 1. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Governor Wolf Historical Society meeting, 7 p.m., on the GWHS campus, 6600 Jacksonville Road, East Allen Township. Information: govwolf.org

• Cash bingo, 7 p.m., at Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company, 2718 Mountain View Drive, Moore Township. Information and cost: 610-317-0808

• Quilting and sewing, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Tap dance, 10-10:45 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays until Feb. 26. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Yoga strength training, 12:45-1:45 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Feb. 28. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Cribbage, 1-5 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St. Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Mah Jongg, 1-5 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St. Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Piloxing, 2-3 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Jan. 31. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Gentle yoga, 5:30-6:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays until Feb. 26. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Latin salsa band practice, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

JAN. 9

• Stretch and strength, 10:30-11:30 a.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Wednesdays and Fridays until March 1. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Northampton AARP Chapter 3915 meeting, 11 a.m. (doors open), at Northampton Banquet & Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

• Moore Township Athletic Association meeting, 7:30 p.m., in the all-purpose room of Moore Elementary School, 2835 Mountain View Drive, Moore Township. Information: mtaaredhawks.org

• Coplay Sports meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the field house, Sixth Street, Coplay

• Yoga flow, 9-10 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Wednesdays until Feb. 27. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Arts and crafts, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Yoga for joints and glands, 10:15-11 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Wednesdays until Feb. 27. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Gentle Vinyasa yoga, 10:30-11:45 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays and Wednesdays until Feb. 27. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• SAGE (Senior Activities for Growth and Enrichment), 12-2 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and registration: 610-437-3700

• Movie: “Forever My Girl,” 12:15 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Karaoke, 12:30-2:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Paint and wine, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

JAN. 10

• Gentle chair yoga, 9:30-10:30 a.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Feb. 28. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Storytime and crafts (with Miss Veronica), 11 a.m., at Coplay Public Library, 49 S. Fifth St. Information: 610-262-7351

• Coplay Public Library board meeting, 7 p.m., at Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St.

• Explorer Scouts of Model Railroad Explorer Post 101 meeting, 7:30 p.m., on the second floor of Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St.

• Deadline to reserve tickets for “Electoral College and Electoral Reform” presentation, to be held 11:30 a.m. Jan. 14 at Superior Restaurant, 102 State Ave., Emmaus. Dr. Kellen Gracey joined the DeSales University political science faculty after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. His research interests include religion and politics, electoral systems and political behavior in both American and comparative contexts. Information, reservations and cost (for optional buffet luncheon): League of Women Voters of Lehigh County at email@lwvlehighcounty.org or 610-432-1456

• Quilting and sewing, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Lehigh Valley Pops Orchestra practice, 9-10:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Knit and chat, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost (for nonmembers): 610-437-3700

• Yoga strength training, 12:45-1:45 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Feb. 28. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Piloxing, 2-3 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Tuesdays and Thursdays until Jan. 31. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Line dance for beginners, 2-3:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Thursdays until Feb. 28. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Current events discussion group, 2-3:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

JAN. 11

• Stretch and strength, 10:30-11:30 a.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Wednesdays and Fridays until March 1. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Tai Chi exercise, 12:30-1:30 p.m., at Whitehall Lifestyle Center, 2301 Pine St., West Catasauqua. The class will continue Tuesdays and Fridays until March 1. Information, registration and cost: 610-437-3700

• Elm Street Jazz workshop, 9-11 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Art for everyone, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Life sharing group, 1-3 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Scrabble, 1:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Pinochle, 7 p.m., in the Trexler Room of Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

JAN. 12

• Roast beef dinner, 4-6:30 p.m., in the social hall of St. John’s Lutheran Church, 18 S. Third St., Coplay

• Dance with KATO, 7-10 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

JAN. 13

• All-you-can-eat breakfast, 8-11:30 a.m., at Point Phillips Rod and Gun Club, 1035 Smith Gap Road, Moore Township. Information: 610-837-0310

• Indoor yard sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at Allen Township Fire Company, 3530 Howertown Road. Information and to reserve a table: 610-502-0735

• All-you-can-eat breakfast, 8:30-11:30 a.m., in the social hall of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church, 618 Fullerton Ave., Fullerton

• Christian unity jazz/gospel brunch (sponsored by Lehigh Conference of Churches), noon, at Dubbs Community Center, 457 Allen St., Allentown. Information, registration and cost: lehighchurches.org or Dr. Larry Pickens at 610-433-6421

• Pinochle, 1:30 p.m., in the Trexler Room of Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

JAN. 14

• Last day to drop off food, toiletry items and household paper products for the North Catasauqua small Town USA drive. The drop-off bin is in the main vestibule at North Catasauqua Borough Hall, 1066 Fourth St.

• St. John’s Friendly Fifties meeting, 1 p.m., in the social hall of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Church, 1343 Newport Ave., Northampton

• Bingo, 7 p.m. (doors open 5:30 p.m.), at Northampton Banquet & Event Center, 1601 Laubach Ave.

• Coplay-Whitehall residents can swim indoors for free, 7-8 p.m. (family swim) and 8-9 p.m. (adults only), at the pool of Whitehall High School, 3800 Mechanicsville Road. The swim will continue Mondays and Wednesdays through March 27. Registration is required.

• Drawing classes, 9-11:30 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays until Feb. 25. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Good Vibrations Chorus practice, 9:30-11 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Gentle Vinyasa yoga, 10:30-11:45 a.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays and Wednesdays until Feb. 27. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Cards and games, 11:30 a.m., in the Trexler Room of Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information: 610-437-3700

• Tai Chi (for beginners), 12:30-1:30 p.m., at Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. The class will continue Mondays until Feb 25. Information and cost: 610-437-3700

• Pinochle, 7 p.m., in the Trexler Room of Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. Information and cost: 610-437-3700