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Complaints of stormwater flooding have again surfaced before the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners.

Robert M. Silvert, of Bobalew Trail, said of flooding after recent rainfalls, “It backs up my sump pump. I’ve already had damage done.”

According to Salisbury Township Director of Public Works John Andreas, the sump pump is pumping water into a culvert for which it wasn’t intended.

“It was pumping into existing groundwater,” Andreas said at the Dec. 13, 2018 township meeting when Silvert voiced his concerns during the courtesy of the floor portion of the meeting.

Commissioners canceled the Dec. 27, 2018 township meeting.

The township board of commissioners next meets 7 p.m. Jan. 10 in the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

Bobalew Trail is off of Church Road on a slope of South Mountain in the eastern part of Salisbury. The drainage pattern roughly follows Church Road, under East Emmaus Avenue and then into Trout Creek.

“I would like Dave [Tettemer] to look into it [Silvert’s flooding concerns],” township board of commissioners’ President Robert Martucci Jr. said.

Tettemer, township consulting engineer of Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc., said he would visit Silvert’s property and vicinity and report back to commissioners on his findings.

Groundwater flow in the vicinity of East Susquehanna Street was also discussed.

“The groundwater is so high,” Andreas said.

“This year [2018] has been so wet,” Salisbury Township MS4 Coordinator, Building Code Enforcement Officer, Assistant Zoning Officer and Building Inspector Sandy Nicolo said.

“There’s a sump pump on the other side of Susquehanna that’s running constantly. That’s how high the groundwater is,” Nicolo said.

“When you have record rainfall in August, the driest month of the year, it’s not going to go away,” Andreas said of the groundwater level.

At the Dec. 13, 2018 meeting, Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said construction work for upgrading Lindberg Park is expected to be completed by June 14, in time for the summer playground program there.

Robert Agonis, a township resident, noted that those making Lindberg Park pavilion use reservations, should make sure that the work doesn’t affect their plans.

In related business at the Dec. 13, 2018 meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve payments for Lindberg Park improvements:

Payment No. 1 to John G. Membrino Construction, Inc. for Lindberg Park Phase 3 contracted work for plumbing at a cost of $12,600. Commissioner Joanne Ackerman made the motion, seconded by board of commissioners Vice President Debra Brinton, to bring the motion to a vote.

Payment No. 4 to Kobalt Construction for Lindberg Park Phase 3 contracted work for play structures, electrical work and trenching at a cost of $36,225. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Commissioner James Seagreaves, to bring the motion to a vote.

Payment No. 5 to Kobalt Construction for Lindberg Park Phase 4 contracted work for parking lot drop-off area lay-by lane, signs, benches and pathway connection at a cost of $94,290.30. Seagreaves made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Rodney Conn, to bring the motion to a vote.

Change Order No. 3 to extend the completion time for Lindberg Park Phase 3 and Phase 4 contracted work. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Conn, to bring the motion to a vote. Prior to the vote, Bonaskiewich explained of the Lindberg Park work, “That’s been moving along, but the weather has been a hindrance.” Bonaskiewich said no increased monetary amount was attached to change order No. 3.

Commissioners met in executive session after the Dec. 13, 2018 meeting for personnel matters, Martucci announced.