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Alburtis Borough Council unanimously approved the 2019 budget with no tax increase for 2019, showing cash receipts totaling $2,027,995 and expenditures totaling $1,847,966.

The water and sewer rates will not be increased.

The borough budget and a list of council meeting dates, committees and other scheduled meeting dates will be posted in borough hall for public review.

It was noted two council meeting dates, Nov. 25, 2019 and Dec. 23, 2019, fall on Mondays. Council passed a motion to advertise the 2019 budget and the council meeting dates in the newspaper and the meetings also will be posted on the Alburtis Borough Council website.

Council passed a motion to purchase a 2019 Ford utility police interceptor all-wheel-drive vehicle from Koch 33 Ford in the amount of $39,906.37. The borough’s unmarked Durango will be sold.

Following a brief discussion about the upcoming winter weather, Alburtis Borough President Ron DeIaco asked Borough Manager Sharon Trexler to send a “shout out” to residents to remind everyone about parking when it snows or when there is inclement winter weather.

A motion was passed to allow Trexler to pursue website development as the borough’s current carrier has no web support.

Mayor Kathleen Palmer reported she performed a wedding at a historic church in the borough and she received a $150 donation for the fire company.

Palmer received an inquiry from Ron Beitler about the Green Tree Project being a conforming use or being grandfathered. During a discussion it was mentioned part of the project is in Lower Macungie Township and part is in Alburtis borough. Since the part Beitler was asking about is in Lower Macungie Township, they will have to decide the answer when their planning commission meets.

The borough received a certificate from Wendy Gordon of Responsible Recycling Services, LLC, of Kutztown, documenting 18,811 pounds of electronic waste was collected from Macungie and Alburtis boroughs Oct. 27. The electronic waste included computers and electrical devices.

Donnie Derr, maintenance supervisor in the borough, reported maintenance crews are keeping the borough clean to prevent blockage of storm drains. Maintenance crews also are reading meters for the quarter. Lee Hoch connected the borough garage to a generator in case of power outages as well as wired a new pump in the sewer station. Also, the floors have been stripped and waxed at borough hall.

The engineer’s report was reviewed and accepted by passing a motion.

Council also passed a motion to approve the meeting minutes of Nov. 28 and another motion was passed approving payment of the Dec. 12 bills.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved.