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UGI presents plans to board

Several representatives from UGI were present at the Weisenberg supervisors’ Dec. 10 meeting to discuss a proposed gas line in the township.

Jeremy Horning, Thomas Milcetich and David Amory told the board where the line would be installed.

Heffner Road was listed as one road where the line would be located.

Supervisor Vice Chairman Tony Werley had certain qualms about using that road as it only has a 33-foot right of way.

The gas line would go from Nestle Way, near Fogelsville, and eventually find its way to Arcadia West, following these roads or portions thereof: Adams Road, I-78, Heffner and Kecks roads, Sunset Drive, West Hills Court and Commerce Circle.

Approximately 23,500 feet of 8-inch pipe would be installed.

In other matters, Gerhard Farms subdivision was on the agenda for review. This was a final plan which created a 1.7-acre building lot along Loch Valley Road.

Supervisors reviewed the plan and gave it, along with the planning module, approval.

A contract with a CPA firm - either France Anderson and Frey and Company - to review the township books will be discussed during the closeout meeting.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville received the contract for picking up stray animals at a cost of $800.

Changes to the fireworks ordinance were tabled until a future date.

The board, however, approved the speed reduction on Apple Road and Mohr Lane and the four-way stop sign at the intersection of Apple Road and Mohr Lane.

The ordinance for adoption of the speed limit on Packhouse Road will be advertised for next month’s meeting as will the Kern Road speed reduction ordinance.

The annual renewal of the junk yard license for the C. Lick Jr. Salvage Inc. was approved by the board.

Township Administrator Brian Carl noted some improvements have occurred at the junkyard and further improvements are expected to be done.

Some 80.61 acres of Nelson property, along Blacksmith and Tannery roads, were added to the Ag Security District.

The board’s closeout meeting will be 8 a.m. Dec. 27. Reorganization will be 6 p.m. Jan. 7, 2019. This is when supervisors, planning commission, zoning hearing board and the fire department set positions for 2019.

A resolution was adopted by the board setting the millage rate for 2019. No tax increase is noted. The .56 mill rate is unchanged.

Matt Krapf of the Weisenberg Township Volunteer Fire Company reported to the board firefighters responded to 233 calls this year, with 18 of these in November.

Roadmaster Tony Werley reported the road crew has been busy cleaning gutters, tree trimming and fixing equipment among other projects. However, even with all the work that had to be done, he still found a little time to go deer hunting and bag a deer.