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District News: Zephyr’s toy drive ends Friday

Zephyr Elementary Key Club’s toy drive ends Dec. 14. Club members are collecting new, unwrapped toys for needy families in the district.

Please drop off your donations in the large collection box in the foyer of the school.

Thank you for your support!


Zephyr Elementary School’s winter fun days are coming! Next week, students and staff are encouraged to join the fun.

Dec. 17 - classroom T-shirt day

Dec. 18 - holiday socks or crazy-colored socks day

Dec. 19 - warm wardrobe with flannels and warm cozy sweaters day (no pajamas)

Dec. 20 - holiday or favorite hat day

Dec. 21 - holiday sweater or a favorite sports team jersey day


Once again, Steckel Elementary School was invited to become part of the 22nd annual holiday Festival of Trees, continuing to take place until Dec. 26 at Lehigh Valley International Airport. During activity classes, under the direction of Mrs. Bryk, students will create handmade ornaments to be placed on Steckel Elementary’s holiday tree.

The display of trees, which are donated from local tree farms, are on both the lower and upper levels of the main terminal building. In prior years, the holiday creations of 20-plus schools were viewed and appreciated by thousands of travelers who passed through LVIA.

If you’re traveling through the airport during the holidays, be sure to stop and look for Steckel’s tree.


Looking ahead at winter break: There will be an early dismissal day Dec. 21. Schools will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 1, 2019. Schools will reopen Jan. 2, 2019.

Make sure to mark your calendar for these dates.


Whitehall High School seniors, if you have not ordered a cap and gown, the site is reopened until Jan. 1, 2019. Please be sure to do this as soon as possible.


With the arrival of cold weather, students have been reminded to dress appropriately to stay warm. Elementary students go out for recess until the temperatures get too low to go outdoors.

Items such as shorts, short skirts and open-toed shoes are not appropriate for cold weather. Outfits that keep the body warm, along with coats, hats and gloves, will help keep kids happy and healthy.


Parents/guardians, all medicine for students must be delivered to Gockley Elementary School’s health room by a parent/guardian. Medications should not be sent to school with your child for safety reasons.


The elementary schools are collecting Box Tops from various products. Please consider clipping and sending them in.

Each school will receive some great benefits from the collections.


Do you have any WCSD news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.