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At the Dec. 3 Macungie Borough Council meeting, council approved the 2019 budget with five ayes and one nay. Revenues for 2019 are $2,670,459 with expenditures of $2,860,769. There will be no water or sewer rate increases. The current real estate tax rate is .000425 or 4.25 mills.

The sewer budget is $41,390,494 with expenditures of $1,594,390. The liquid fuels revenue is $85,407 and expenditures are budgeted at $65,884. The water fund budgeted revenues are $852,650 with expenditures of $1,023,710.

Mayor Ronald Conrad expressed his concern over this budget and there is the possibility of his vetoing the budget. Conrad wants to maintain the status quo with the Macungie police force which includes four full-time officers and two 30-hour a week officers. Council wants to eliminate one 30-hour a week officer but increase overtime and part-time officers. If the budget will be status quo, the tax will increase from 4.25 mills to 4.33 mills. The police concern will be considered over the next 10 days.

President Chris Becker stated his approval with the way the 2018 budget has been on target.

Dec. 8 is the day for Macungie Holiday. Some new additions are Whoville at the Macungie Firehouse and Spiderman will be at Macungie Institute with Elsa and Belle. Santa and Jasper the Bear will also visit with attendees.

There will be horse-drawn surrey rides as well. Kalmbach Park will hold its annual gingerbread house contest. There will also be a Festival of the Trees at Out Of Our Minds Art Studio.

Borough Manager Chris Boehm reported a grant was awarded to the borough for recycling.

The fire department said three additional firemen were signed for Fire Fighter 1.

There was an executive session for personnel issues.

The Main Street Commons final lot consolidation resubmission was discussed. The plan was approved conditionally.

This plan has caused some dissatisfaction with a neighbor. The plan calls for a buffer of evergreen trees between his property and the Main Street Commons property with which the neighbor disagrees. The plan will remain, as it is their property to do as they wish within borough guidelines.

There is also a problem with the property as the resident must add a sidewalk to his frontage per borough ordinance. He has concerns for maple trees which are in this area. Rudy Amelio, the owner of the neighboring property, has offered to provide the labor to install this sidewalk with only the resident having to pay for the materials. Council Member John Yerman clarified the situation for the resident.