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Tree planted at recreation fields honors Don Link

The night was dark and windy but rec commission members were determined to visit the Northwestern Recreation Commission Community Park.

President Emeritus Don Link was there to attend the commission’s November meeting.

Link was a member for 15 years and was president for much of that time.

Despite the weather, the group went to their vehicles and went to the rec fields along Northwest Road where a tree had been planted near the Bittner-Hunsicker Potato Storage Building, in Link’s honor.

“Thank you for the 16 years of service,” Commission President Justin Smith told Link.

“You went above and beyond the call for both the rec commission and the community.”

Link responded to the kind words.

“Thank you for your generosity in recognizing my service,” Link said. “It’s been a privilege to serve here.

“I want to recognize the selfless service of this board and previous ones with whom I worked.”

In other matters, Jim Hughes, maintenance worker told the commission he obtained prices for locks.

He will have the only master key and will leave it with someone if he is unavailable for an event.

New keys will be ones that can’t be copied, he said.

“I’d hate to walk in there and find equipment missing,” Hughes said.

Steve Bachman, representing Heidelberg Township, said the immediate need is only for the Bittner-Hunsicker Potato Storage Building and bathroom keys. The garage has a padlock but needs changing.

Hughes recommended changing locks every five years.

Smith asked if changes this year beyond the restroom and Bittner-Hunsicker Potato Storage Building.

Linda Gorgas, representing Weisenberg Township, suggested putting off a final decision until January 2019.

Suggested were new locks with keys, locks with no-copy keys, deadbolts and numeric pads.

The rec commission decided to take action on the bathroom and Bittner-Hunsicker Potato Storage Building and to research numeric locks.

As there is no December meeting, authorization was given by commission members to pay those bills.

Meetings during 2019 will be on Jan. 30, Feb. 27, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, July 31, Aug. 28, Sept. 26, Oct. 30 and Nov. 27.

press photo by elsa KERSCHNERPresident Justin Smith thanks (left) Don Link for his years of service with the Northwestern Recreation Commission.