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Christ’s Kids Club welcomes youth to attend meetings

Christ’s Kids Club of St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, meets 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Emerald house of worship.

During the Nov. 28 meeting, the project was to make Christmas cards to be sent to members of our nation’s military.

Twelve boxes will be shipped to the service members at a cost of $153.

Pastor Bill Ritzenthaler said it is never difficult getting people to contribute when the need is as great as this is.

Ritzenthaler, who attended the club meeting, asked the kids a question.

“Who do we learn about here?” he asked.

“Jesus,” club members replied in unison.

For the 40 days of Lent, the kids will help collect 2,000 sets of underwear and 3,000 pair of socks.

Bethany Pepe, in charge of the Kids Club, even took a large glue spill in stride that night.

Diane Ritzenthaler is her assistant.

Pepe said there will be cards for eight soldiers with ties to the church in Houston, Texas; and Afghanistan.

Ritzenthaler said the Methodist church in Parryville no longer has formal services but there is a café in which people come to discuss issues.

He also noted five children were in St. Peter’s confirmation class held on Dec. 2.

Darius Minnich's card contains the words “Jesus loves you.” Pastor Bill Ritzenthaler looks on from behind him.