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School board honors Wyatt

Northwestern Lehigh School Board President Bill Dellicker asked for a moment of silence for Wyatt Newhard during the opening of the Nov. 21 school board meeting.

The Northwestern student had been fighting cancer from age 3 and recently lost that fight after 11 courageous years.

In other matters, Dr. Barbara Kistler, representative to Lehigh Carbon Community College, said her first thing to do as representative was to thank the board for giving her the position at LCCC. She had worked there and enjoyed the school.

She said the school is so close to Northwestern there is a strong bond.

“I would say the college is doing very well. Enrollment is up by 2.3 percent when many community colleges are staying level or losing enrollment,” Kistler said.

She reported the state recently visited the college to perform a civil rights audit. The only problem found was some doors need different doorknobs for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance.

LCCC is creating a new vet tech building. Between $8 million and $12 million is available. The Donley building in Allentown is being renovated.

“Thank you for this opportunity,” Kistler said.

Dellicker reported a time capsule was opened during the open house for the renovations of the high school on Nov. 8, and 50 students were inducted into National Honor Society.

Superintendent Jennifer Holman told the board the Pennsylvania Department of Education developed a Future Ready Now index to serve as the state’s one-stop location for comprehensive information about school success.

A TeacherReady program will allow individuals to earn teacher certification online in one year.

Dellicker told the board all Northwestern schools had programs honoring veterans. Weisenberg had 55 veterans in attendance, some came from as far away as New Jersey.

A video of its events began with a red, white and blue balloon arch. Artwork and events were shown in the video.

The fifth grade provided the background music for the video and each class sang a song.

Holman said the veterans mean a great deal to teachers and students.

Visiting the school was veteran Joe Zeller, 100, from Lowhill Township.

Kevin Birofik, a new part-time police officer, will begin at Northwestern on Dec. 3. He is retiring from Allentown.

Todd Leiser gave a safe schools report for 2017-18. There was one arrest and 13 incidents last year.

Dellicker said the report was rather thin report and he was glad for that.

Adult education classes being offered are yoga, Jan. 14-March 18 and April 1-May 20; Country Heat winter, Jan. 17-March 14 and April 4-May 3; Country Heat spring, April 4-May 30; Knitting, Jan. 16-March 6 and April 3- May 22; Basketweaving, Jan. 22, Feb. 12 and 19, March 26 and April 2, May 7 and 14; and Karate, Jan. 16-March 13.

Approval was given by the board to request bids for infrastructure and electric components for the phone system.

The student activities fund will pay $30,000 for publication of the high school yearbook and for Northwestern Elementary to attend an IronPigs game in the amount of $1,325.

Board member Dr. James Warfel said a course is being developed for training new members of the school board. This will replace the one-day training on the local level.

The school board reorganization meeting will be 7 p.m. Dec. 5, in place of the usual third Wednesday meeting date.