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The Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors met for its regular meeting Nov. 14 in the administration building.

Student representatives from each of the four schools provided reports on both past and upcoming events.

Janet E. Smith was recognized on the occasion of her retirement after working in the administration building for over 12 years as a PIMS/ACCESS coordinator.

Coaches and advisors were also recognized for their years of service.

Paragon Transit employees were recognized for 10 years of service including John Lentz, Ray Raysley, Will Venanzi and Aloma Zampell.

Western Salisbury Elementary School teacher Eric Molitoris was also recognized for receiving the Howard L. Klopp Exemplary Teacher Award during a presentation by Dr. Jill Purdy from Cedar Crest College.

The Exemplary Teacher Award is named for Howard L. Klopp, a former education professor and chair of the education department at Cedar Crest.

The purpose of the award is to recognize the outstanding teaching taking place in elementary, middle and secondary schools in Lehigh and Northampton counties. School administrators, teachers, students or parents are encouraged to nominate an outstanding teacher who represents excellence in the teaching profession.

Molitoris, a third grade teacher, was nominated by his colleagues, including the school’s principal, Dr. Grace Hartman. In the nomination letter, they called Molitoris unfailingly positive and dedicated to the profession.

Molitoris exhibits all of the qualities that meet the selection criteria for the Exemplary Teacher Award: a devotion to quality in education, the ability to focus on each student’s strengths, a commitment to helping students achieve their full potential, concern for the students that extends beyond the classroom, outstanding service to school and community and dedication to helping colleagues and advancing the profession.

In other business, the board approved the district level plan/comprehensive plan effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.

The board also approved the revised Salisbury High School handbook for the 2018-2019 school year.

Also approved was an overnight extracurricular trip for the high school biology and honors physics II classes to Orlando, Fla. May 22 to 26, 2019 to participate in the Walt Disney World YES (Youth in Education) Program.

Also approved was an overnight extracurricular trip for Model United Nations to travel to Baltimore, Md. Feb. 7 to 10, 2019 to participate in the John Hopkins Model UN conference.

DeSales student teachers were approved including Adam Soto working with Anne Schneider, Salisbury High School English teacher Feb. 4 through May 10, 2019 and Clare Kisch working with Christina Horne, WSE second grade teacher March 11 through April 26, 2019.

An extension agreement was approved detailing the scope of services and compensation agreement with King, Spry, Herman Freund & Faul, LLC, extending services through June 30, 2022.

A feasibility study proposal to study Emmaus Avenue was approved with Terraform Engineering, LLC.

The board approved the proposal from D’Huy Engineering, Inc. to update the capital improvement plan and develop the scope for HVAC upgrades at a cost of $19,500.

In personnel news, the board accepted the resignation of Stephanie DelVecchio as a part-time nurse at Salisbury Middle School effective at a date to be determined, but no later than Dec. 21. The board also accepted the resignation of Natalie Woodward as a part-time special education teacher at WSE effective at a date to be determined, but no later than Dec. 21.

Lauren Nyemscek, of Allentown, was approved, pending completion of requirements, as a part-time long-term substitute elementary teacher at Harry S Truman Elementary School effective Nov. 19.

The board approved the building transfer of Krista Sprawling from a full-time German teacher at Salisbury High School to a full-time German teacher at SMS and SHS effective retroactive to Aug. 21.

The hours were increased for Debra Laczo from a five hours a day part-time head cook at WSE to a 5.25 part-time head cook at WSE effective Oct. 29.

Kathleen Ascani was approved for an increase of hours from a 4 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at WSE to a 4.5 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at WSE effective Oct 29.

Sheila Lash’s hours were increased from a 4.5 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS to a 5 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS effective Oct. 29.

Reem Bitar’s hours were increased from a 4 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS to a 4.5 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS effective Oct. 29.

Suzanne Bennett’s hours were increased from 4 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS to a 4.5 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at SHS effective Oct. 29.

Lori Frack was transferred from a 3 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at WSE to a 3 hours a day part-time cafeteria worker at HST effective Oct. 26.

In coaching positions, James Hahn was approved as the middle school girls basketball coach for the 2018-2019 school year. Theresa Bruns was approved as the middle school assistant girls basketball coach for the 2018-2019 school year. Shaun Lally was approved, pending completion of requirements, as the middle school wrestling coach for the 2018-2019 school year. Christopher Miller was approved, pending completion of requirements as a volunteer boys basketball coach for the 2018-2019.

Two policies were approved including Policy 2A.1 on wellness and Policy 4E2 on emergency preparedness.

A number of meetings will be held Dec. 5 at the administration building: 7 p.m. will be the reorganization meeting followed by an operations committee meeting, a curriculum and technology committee meeting and a regular board meeting.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOWestern Salisbury Elementary School teacher Eric Molitoris is recognized for receiving the Howard L. Klopp Exemplary Teacher Award during a presentation by Dr. Jill Purdy from Cedar Crest College at the Nov. 14 Salisbury Township School District board meeting. Pictured, left to right, are Dr. Joan Kern, Cedar Crest College, Avery Molitoris, Eric Molitoris, Allison Molitoris, Dr.