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Lynn board reviews three plans

Three plans were on the agenda at the Lynn Township Nov. 8 meeting.

First was the Follweiler lot line adjustment on Gun Club Road.

Scott Dietrich of JHA Beitler Company represented the subdivider.

Second was the Bausch lot line adjustment on Bausch Road. This plan was represented by Art Swallow.

Lastly, Brandon Kistler’s plan for property along Allemaengel Road was shown by Larry Turoscy.

This involved the flood plain demarcation on the property.

All were reviewed and approved by the board except the Allemaengel plan which will be reviewed by engineer Chris Noll for the next meeting.

Lynnport Fire Company reported 50 calls so far this year.

Santa will be visiting the fire station for a breakfast on Dec. 9 and turkey raffle tickets are still available.

The road crew was busy with its usual duties. Continued maintenance on the dirt roads, boom mowing, tree cutting, cold patching and shoulder cutting took up most of the crew’s time. Clair Richardson was hired part time to help the road crew.

The lease with the Lynn Heidelberg Historical Society was amended to give the society use of the entire park area in Ontelaunee Park when they conduct a function.

The 10.8 acre Kunkel property on Mountain Road was added to the Agriculture Security Area by resolution.

While on the subject of Ag Security, the board accepted the application of Kurt and Alyssa Gerhard for 12.44 acres along Mountain Road.

The budget was discussed and it was decided to adopt it at the December meeting. The millage rate will remain unchanged.

Betsy Hauser was placed on the payroll to run the transfer station. She will serve as the backup person and will handle the station as needed.

Streetlights in the Heintzelman subdivision are still a no-show. Also, nothing has been forthcoming from the Lehigh County Authority or the Department of Environmental Protection concerning the sewer treatment plant.

The following were set by the board for reorganization: 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 2, 2019, for the board of supervisors and 7 p.m. Jan. 3, 2019, for the auditors.

Supervisors will continue to meet 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.

Secretary Tammy White will research dates for the reorganizational dinner.