District News: Students off for Thanksgiving break
Thanksgiving break will be Nov. 22-26. Have a happy and safe holiday with family and friends!
Zephyr Elementary School will have its PTO “lil shopper’s shop” Dec. 3-7. Students will bring home fliers with more details.
Whitehall-Coplay Middle School’s Student Council members are currently working on the annual Holiday Hope Chest program - the collection of new, unopened and unwrapped small gifts for boys or girls in specific age groups.
Students will collect these filled shoe boxes to be delivered to Volunteer Center of the Lehigh Valley for families in early December.
Mr. Berg, Gockley Elementary School’s physical education teacher, has added every class to the Seesaw app, so families can see their children having fun and exercising in his classes. He has also been taking pictures of the computer classes hard at work in the Dance Mat Typing program.
He hopes to receive videos back of the students exercising at home, which will result in the students receiving train tickets as a reward.
Berg also created PowerPoint slides of students throwing dodgeballs at target objects.
If you are interested in tutoring for your child at Zephyr Elementary, contact Mrs. Brittany Rabe at rabeb@whitehallcoplay.org or 610-871-3671, ext. 1572. Schedules and fees will be negotiated with the tutor.
Gockley Elementary students can participate in Crayola’s Color Cycle program, which involves reusing old, dried-up and used markers for clean energy. The program is coordinated by art teacher Chad Brader.
Gockley collects them to send back to Crayola. They will accept all plastic-bodied marker types of any brand, including permanent markers, dry erase markers and highlighters.
Put the markers in a bag and send them in with your child. There is a collection box in the art room, and once filled, it will be shipped to Crayola for recycling.
Visit crayola.com/colorcycle to learn more.
Do you have any Whitehall-Coplay School District news? Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTAs, club advisers and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with “Whitehall-Coplay School News” in the subject line at least a week before an event.