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Before the season is over, visit the trail behind Liberty Properties. At the Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting Nov. 1, Sara Pandl, Lower Macungie Township planner said Wildlands Conservancy worked with Liberty to create this beautiful area which is part of the Lower Macungie Township trail system. There have been trees planted along with other environmental improvements.

In reviewing the bill list, a question arose about a large bill for the community center expansion. The bill was not available and will be reviewed. It is thought the charges are for ongoing inspections and construction. It was also said the total will not exceed the budgeted amount. If, for some reason, this would happen, it would not happen without board approval.

With the completion of the Mill Race Road bridge, the weight limit can be increased from 13 tons. However, the township cannot do this without approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. An ordinance amendment is being drafted by the solicitor. PennDOT will inspect to determine new weight limit.

The Sauerkraut Road extension was discussed. An environmental study needs to be completed on the Miller property.

Pandl announced a multi-modal grant was approved. This grant will help with the area around the Hamilton Boulevard stormwater basin for sidewalks.

A resident made a request for a left turn signal at Mill Creek and Lower Macungie roads. When heading toward the Walmart area, it has become increasingly difficult to make a left turn onto Lower Macungie Road.