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Wild wins 7th U.S. House seat

Congresswoman-elect Susan Wild, D-7th, in Nov. 6 election night victory speech in Coordinated Health Club Level Lounge, Coca-Cola Park, Allentown.

In unofficial results, with 100 percent of the vote tallied for 339 of 339 precincts reporting,

Wild received 137,122 votes or 53 percent to Republican Marty Nothstein receiving 111,862 votes or 44 percent and Libertarian Tim Silfies receiving 7,899 votes or 3 percent of 256,883 votes cast.

In the 15th District Special Election to finish out the 2018 term of Republican Charlie Dent, who chose not to run, Nothstein received 126,470 votes or 49 percent to Wild receiving 125,350 votes or 48 percent with Silfies receiving 8,447 votes or 3 percent of 260,267 votes cast.

The realigned 7th District replaced the 15th District.

In a speech that called for joining together, Wild said, “Our independence helps explain why our district has voted for Democrats and Republicans over the years. Our community understands that democracy is not just about voting in an election.”

PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL WILLISTEINCongresswoman-elect Susan Wild, D-7th, in Nov. 6 election night victory speech in Coordinated Health Club Level Lounge, Coca-Cola Park, Allentown.