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King George site looking better

Recent actions by South Whitehall administrative staff and property owner Atul Patel have yielded improvements in the area around the King George Inn, reported township Manager Renee Bickel during the Oct. 17 board of commissioners’ meeting.

In August, Commissioner David Bond raised the issue with concerns not only about the surrounding property but about the inn itself.

“The building is deteriorating,” said Bond at the time. “It could just fall down.”

Commissioner Christina “Tori” Morgan voiced her opinion at the time.

“Things have to be done. From an aesthetic standpoint, it looks awful,” she said at the August meeting.

Bickel reported the property owner recently installed “No Parking” signs to stop trucks from parking there.

The grass was cut, and South Whitehall police are enforcing the parking prohibition, Bickel said.

She noted the township engineer received and reviewed an updated stormwater plan for the development of the tract which includes a hotel and other buildings along Hamilton Boulevard in Dorneyville.

The project has been delayed because a small portion of the stormwater drainage system is designed to cross the adjacent shopping center property.

The developer was waiting for approval for that piece of the stormwater layout on the neighboring tract.

South Whitehall Director of Community Development George Kinney said the township has been working with Patel who is very supportive of the improvements.

“We made progress at the King George Inn and cleaned things up significantly, said Kinney, although he added there has been no movement at all on advancing the development project forward.

Nothing was mentioned about the physical structure of the inn at this meeting.