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B-I-N-G-O fundraiser benefits Northwestern ed foundation

The Northwestern Lehigh Alumni Association held its sixth bingo and Chinese auction at the Lynnport Fire Station.

Some of the funds raised go toward the Educational Foundation’s mini grants.

Attendees were invited to come in costume and to bring food for the Christ’s Church at Lowhill Food Pantry and socks for the Socks for Sylvia project at the pantry in memory of Sylvia Koenig.

She was secretary at the pantry and administrative secretary at the Northwestern Lehigh School District.

Alumni Association President and costume judge Charlene Silva said she welcomes ideas that will benefit the school and the alumni association should be notified.

“We all bleed black and gold,” said Gloria Zimmerman, as she presided over the food boxes

Stadium cushions, available to purchase at football games, were on display at the event.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ELSA KERSCHNERSpartan Laura George, class of 1984, and Justine Bachman, a priestess from the class of 1985, wait for the bingo games to begin.