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Ontelaunee Park hosts the Large Flowerheads

As the band, the Large Flowerheads, was introduced, the clapping was loud and sustained as people looked forward to a pleasant afternoon in Ontelaunee Park enjoying the music of the ’60s.

The program was one of four sponsored each summer by the Lynn Township Recreation Commission.

This was to be the last outdoor show of the season for the band.

Tie-dyed shirts were the order of the day and were being sold on the grounds.

The Large Flowerheads, from Bethlehem, includes Maureen “Moe” Jerant on drums and guitar, Greg Geist on rhythm guitar and drums, Billy Trexler on lead guitar and electric sitar, John Harkins on keyboards and bass and Colleen Zajacik on bass guitar and percussion.

When the song “I’ve Got You Baby” was sung, Jerant asked the audience if everyone was ready to sing. They joined in repeat-singing the last line.

Jerant and Zajacik told the audience they were ready to leave for an Irish vacation the next day, but this is a lovely day for a dance in the park.

Dancing was done in changeably small groups or large ones filling the area in front of the stage or just couples dancing on the side. The song, “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” brought even more people to the dance floor.

A hand clapping song opened the second set. The band has been active 10 years.

“Live music is best,” said Jerant. “We’re just trying to keep the great music of the ’60s alive.”

Serenity Olmo brought her dog, Zakorra, to enjoy the music with her.